Welcome to our inspiring site, where you will find interesting thought provoking books and other materials.
Our mission is simple. We write and publish books to empower, and inspire people to be courageous enough to make the life changes necessary for buildable success!
Author And Publisher
"There is nothing more satisfying to me than finishing hard tasks. Sometimes the best things in life are NOT free. but it's worth every effort!"
Geneice McCoy
Geneice has an extensive history in advocacy and considers herself to be the parent advocate's advocate. She served on Georgia's Governor's Council on DD twice, chaired Georgia's Region 2 ( Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases Planning Board comprised of 33 counties, and organized and hosted Common Bond Parent Support Group for over eight years, and the list goes on!
There's more than one dedicated writer and publisher in this company. Books and E-books will be written and published by Andrew McCoy as well. As a retired Sergeant Major, he has extensive experience, knowledge, and leadership wisdom. He also has an impeccable six figure career history in sales! Stay tuned, it is well worth the wait.
We all have a story to share. I began telling my story years ago during many speaking engagements. My book is the result of the many questions asked.